Building & Construction Plans Archive
Publication Number | Title | Filed Under | Date |
6052 | Elevated Calf Pens | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6050 | Free Stall Barn | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6045 | Self Feeder - Cattle | Beef | 01-23-17 |
6042 | Free Stall Barn | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6238-B | manure Flush Tanks - Sheet Iron - 1000, 1500, and 2000 gallons | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6238-A | Hog Flush Tank, w/waste Handling System | Swine | 01-23-17 |
6238 | Circular Flush Tank - Self-Dumping | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6255 | Milking Barn and Milk House for 10 goats | Goats and Sheep | 01-23-17 |
6250 | Free Stall Barn | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6238-B | Manure Flush Tanks | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6234 | Dairy Replacement Housing | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6224 | Rest Barn for Cattle | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6218 | Free Stall Dairy System | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6203 | Milking Parlor | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6200 | Elevated Calf Stall | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6199 | Elevated Calf Stall | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6196 | Dairy Barn - Economic Free Stall | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6186 | Calf Barn | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6180 | Movable Calf Pen | Dairy | 01-23-17 |
6174 | Milkhouse | Dairy | 01-23-17 |