Wildlife Economics and Enterprises
Many private landowners are interested in how to begin a natural resource-based enterprise on their lands. This interest is in response to the general public’s increased desire for natural resource-based products from private lands and/or access and use of private lands for recreational use.
According to national surveys, the public is not only interested in obtaining access for products and recreational pursuits, they are willing to pay for this access. As a result, many private landowners are evaluating their potential for providing such products or for offering such activities on their lands. However, landowners are struggling with some serious land-use management decisions.
The MSU Extension publication, Natural Resource Enterprises Wildlife and Recreation - A Checklist of Considerations for Landowners, contains a checklist and accompanying explanations which should be helpful to landowners in making decisions before they initiate and make investments in such an enterprise.
Leasing access to property for hunting and other outdoor recreational pursuits is an easy way for landowners to develop a wildlife-related enterprise on their land. The Extension publication, Hunting Leases: Considerations and Alternatives for Landowners P2308 contains useful land management information and provides a leasing agreement template that readers can use to modify and adapt to fit their property in establishing a hunting lease.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- A Mississippi State University Extension professor has been recognized for his contributions to wildlife conservation with the Clarence W. Watson Award.
Success Stories
In late February, Mississippi State University hosted the 2024 National Floriculture Forum, an annual conference held at different locations around the country.
A Smithsonian Institution exhibit about rural communities continues its journey in public libraries across Mississippi.
See what's new in Extension: a new monarch garden, a storytelling series will begin, the Garden Expo highlights Extension education, and Keep America Beautiful recognizes MSU Extension.