What is a Mississippi Registered Forester?
"A forester is a person who by reason of his knowledge of the natural sciences, mathematics, economics, and the principles of forestry and by his demonstrated skills acquired through professional forestry education...is qualified to engage in the practice of forestry..." (Mississippi Foresters Registration Law of 1977).
The Foresters Registration Law of 1977 (amended in 1989) defines the practice of forestry to include consultation, investigation, evaluation, valuation, planning, and silviculture and harvest recommendations. Any person offering forestry services to the public must be licensed.
By law, no person may refer to himself as a forester; nor may any person sell, advertise or otherwise promote his services as a professional forester in Mississippi, without being duly registered (licensed) by the State Board of Registration for Foresters.
Why Is the Registration Law Needed?
The purpose of the Registration Law is to ensure that the landowners of Mississippi receive the services of only competent, ethical, and professionally trained practitioners in the management of their timber and lands. Supporters of this law believe that professional forest management is essential in making our renewable timber resources the state's most important and sustainable crop.
How Are Foresters Registered?
Specific criteria for forester registration are provided by law and by the State Board of Registration for Foresters. Foresters must have a B.S. or higher degree from an accredited forestry school, pass a Board-administered test, and certify that they have no conflicts with the legal or ethical requirements of the Forester Registration Law.
To remain registered, a practicing forester must, on a continuing basis, fulfill education requirements to stay current with state-of-art forest management policies, procedures, and innovations. A forester's registration must be renewed every 2 years to maintain a legal license to practice forestry in Mississippi.
How Can Registered Foresters Be Identified?
The Board of Registration maintains a current roster of registered foresters. The roster is available to the public upon request. Registered foresters are issued cards that identify them by name and registration number.
How Are Complaints Handled?
Anyone who feels a registered forester has not offered professional service or has violated a canon of the Code of Ethics may enter a complaint with the Board of Registration. All complaints are thoroughly investigated.
The Board also investigates complaints against nonregistered individuals who offer forest-related services to ascertain if the individual is in violation of the Law.
Code of Ethics For the Registered Forester:
- He will strive to be accurate in his knowledge of forestry and will disseminate this knowledge and speak out against the spreading of false or misleading statements concerning forestry.
- He will advise only in a worthy and truthful manner, refraining form misleading or exaggerated statements concerning what he is prepared to perform.
- When participating in a public or private fact-finding session, he will base his testimony on adequate knowledge of the subject and will not withhold data in order to substantiate his point of view.
- He will perform services of only the highest standards and with complete loyalty to his employer or client and will not voluntarily disclose information about the business affairs of his employer or client which the employer desired to keep confidential.
- He will provide only the services for which he is qualified by experience or education, and, in practice, will not agree to deviate from accepted professional standards without first advising the employer or client of the expected consequences.
- He will not obligate himself to a potential employer or client where he has a business interest that might influence his judgment concerning the activity he is expected to carry out.
- He will not accept compensation for the same service from more than one employer or client without full disclosure and consent of all parties concerned.
- He will engage or recommend other experts and specialists in forestry or related fields whenever his employer or client will be best served by such action, and will work cooperatively with them.
- He will aid the Board in keeping persons unqualified, because of lack of good moral character or inadequate training, from being registered.
- If he has the evidence of violation of any of these canons by any Registered Forester, he will present the information to the State Board of registration for Foresters.
- He will obligate himself, without reservation, to utilize all of his forestry knowledge and experience for the use, benefit, and betterment of his fellow man and his environment.
To learn more about the Forester Registration Program in Mississippi, write or call:
Mississippi State Board of Registration for Foresters Box 9681
Mississippi State, MS 39762
(662) 325-2772
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- The Mississippi State University Extension Service invites private landowners to a workshop to learn about the benefits prescribed burns provide for wildlife habitat.
Many forest landowners wonder if best management practices really matter on their property, and the simple answer is yes. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/John Auel)
Streamside management zones have become critical tools forestry landowners and professionals use for protecting water quality during and after timber harvests.