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    "The forestry meetings and the workshops the Extension Service organizes have been helpful to me and a lot of other foresters."

    - Jonathan Cutshall
    owner of Cutshall and Sons

  • ""

    "His sensory issues are better, his core muscles are much stronger, he follows directions, and he understands many more words."

    - Mehreen Arbab
    mother of Hasib, equine-assisted therapy participant

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    "The Excellence in Tourism Leadership Program provides a path to strengthen industry leaders so we can increase visitor spending and overall travel industry growth in Mississippi."

    - Kristen Brock
    VisitHATTIESBURG director of
    programs and development

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    "We really believe in Extension for teaching responsibility to children and for leading 4-H."

    - Lee Caldwell
    DeSoto County Board
    of Supervisors

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    "In 4-H, I can connect with different ages and interact with both boys and girls. It’s a different dynamic that I like."

    - Harrison County 4-H’er Demi Johnson
    top 15 finalist in the National
    Geographic Slingshot Challenge

Three raccoons.
Extension for Real Life Blog
Red Crawfish
Photo by Adobe Stock
Extension for Real Life Blog
Fire engulfs a forest.
Mississippi has ranked among the top half of all states for number of wildfires. For Mississippi, wildfires happen most often in February, March, and April. It is important to take steps to protect your home and other property.
Extension for Real Life Blog


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Extension Matters Magazine

A man speaking at a podium.

After decades teaching and leading in Mississippi 4-H, Larry Alexander was inducted into the 2024 National 4-H Hall of Fame.

Extension Matters Magazine